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Well fucking duh. China’s Belt and Road is almost snotted out of IMF’s nose. It’s really about national debt slavery, austerity measures, raw resources at cost, etc. They are there to suck the economic growth out of these countries.

Africans need to get together, even with the help of European and American allies, to sue the ever loving shit out of the IMF and World Bank. Set a new global judicial precedent and provide a legal route for reparations.


Y’know, unless the EU comes out with that digital currency that doesn’t require a network. It’s like value papers, but in form of cryptographic hashes - and I refuse to call it “crypto”, because of the obvious connotations.

But you could call it off-grid crypto, though it is easier to track than actual physical cash. But money can pass a lot of hands from point A to point Z, and if it doesn’t need to touch any network between these points, than it becomes quite possible to misuse that digital cash, unless it’s somehow ear marked for each transfer.

I await specifications before it can actually be considered viable, but if successful, it could become the new standard…

And maybe us northern Europeans could stop having to print value papers in France, because that makes me feel much more dirty than using crypto.


Is this a good time to say the obvious? No? Well fuck you.

The republicans run the courts.


Sushi, Starbucks and rap music…

Ain’t gonna lie, that does seem like the backpacker life.

Some of you who know, know.


I’m a little bit country~ a little bit HP?*record scratch*…


And the haters doubted me. I said it, and I say it again: you can’t fuck with datacentre money, and as far as getting your hardware in the hands of developers, untainting that kernel will go a long way towards deeper development and testing.

Just the development going into the interoperability between CPU and GPU is a massive step towards a convergence in compiling. I say that as someone who’s currently frying an egg on my laptop trying to compile a huge Rust project while my GPU languishes. Feh.

It was only a matter of time before we get all that bare metal code out in the open, which means I can hope that my GTX 1060 will receive premium support on Linux, mere months before I switch to an AMD APU lol

Was the wait with it? No. Was it fun? …no.


Listen, if there isn’t a Thomas the tank engine monster that you need to defeat by chugging a Foreman Elixir, then I’m not interested.


Audacity is now basically part of the Muse family, which is a for profit venture, with it’s own - wait for it 🥁🥁🥁🥁 store front launcher

Nothing makes me hate music software (or games) more than yee old SaaS/DRM pile-on, especially when you add another goddamn launcher. I’m trying to lay low latency buffers here, not facilitate another UI stack and background processes. I nuke the printer spool, and you think I want more? I will download the cracked version, even if I own the damned software, to get rid of all that.

Jokes aside, considering the whole funding issue in the open source world, MuseHub (the “plugin boutique”) takes a fairly common route in the audio software world, since pretty much every single one of these DAW, plugin or sample pack outfits have a storefront - or use one, if not several.

If say the Audacity we know is still free, but the add-ons cost money, that’s fine. It’s very “freemium”, but as long as they don’t remove VST3 or CLAP support, it’s fairly harmless.

In regards to tracking, is it opt-out, opt-in, identifiable or anonymized telemetry? It’s contentious, to say the least, but if it’s a concern, you could always block domains - even though the average user would probably not concern themselves, and at that point I wonder if it’s better than other creepy freemium models that are even more predatory.

Though it could be the type of telemetry used in most modern DRMs to confirm ownership by using plenty of CPU cycles and network communication to validate identity.

Because DRMs is the worst technology segment invented in all of modern history, and it needs to die in a fire - I swear * TO GOD* you do not need to hit several friggin domain many times a day, once is enough - in fact, once is too much! You can take your iLok and shove it. I paid for this software, and if I put a Jolly Roger in it, it’s because your DRM drains my soul.

your launcher is bad and you should feel bad

I swear, this heckles my kekles sooo much.


It’s a bit of catharsis tbh. You just get so sick of the same talking points, retorts and clapback, that your brain instantly refers to a conversational index about it, and then your soul dies. That’s pretty much what you read.

But thanks for enjoying at least some of my catharsis ^^ Cheers!
