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No, the guy hasn’t “sparked debate”. The single complainant cited is from some obesity alliance, who says it’s wrong to weigh children in public.

OP SLAMMED for sharing poor quality news.


SquigglyEmpire is trying to say that “the N word” typically refers to a derogatory word for black people, not for Nazi.

Video games would probably ban you for saying Nazi because it’s a nasty thing to call someone or be called. It probably isn’t relevant to the game and it’s a topic they’d probably prefer not to have discussed.


Here in Australia, our voting system means you can’t waste a vote. If whoever I vote for doesn’t win, my vote gets shifted to the next on my list.

Every year I vote for the Animal Justice Party, Environment Australia, Progressive Unity etc. They never win, but my vote is still registered as having gone to them. Eventually my vote shifts along and either lands on the greens who win my electorate, or labour. But they’ll still see that the Animal Justice Party DID get a lot of votes, and maybe the Greens or Labour will focus more on animal based policy.

If 49% of your American electorate votes blue, maybe your right wing winner will try to appeal to that sizeable demographic by not being so horribly right wing.


I swapped from my classic Granny Smith to Kanzi and/or SweeTango under his recommendation, and haven’t looked back. He turned apples from a bottom of the barrel fruit to up there with plums and tangelos for me.

The reason I thought apples were trash fruit was from eating the common varieties - the royal galas, the braeburns, the red delicious. Trash apples, not trash fruit.


It doesn’t give a reason, but lists their ban alongside “paint-ball guns”, so I’d guess they’re simply a nuisance - in that you could biff them on stage without much risk of rebuke.


You did say “I love meat, let me assure you”. That’s pretty proud.

Firstly, other moral goods don’t rebuff moral wrongs. Owning solar panels doesn’t mean it’s morally okay to kill animals for your tastebuds.

“I don’t think me eating less meat will have much effect”. I mean, if everyone thought like you, global warming might happen. If everyone thought like vegans, (and went vegan today) we’d literally solve the climate crisis. Animal agriculture accounts for 40-60% of total emissions.

How can you be concerned about growing meat consumption in other countries? “Gee I sure hope people don’t act like me, that’d be concerning!”. Rules for thee.

That’s not to mention the antibiotic crisis where treatment resistant bacteria are developing in animals due to overuse in livestock. Or the development of animal flus like birdflu, corona virus, swine flu, ebola etc etc, which emerge from consuming animals.

You’re doing so much good, why not do the little extra step of going vegan? It’s so easy nowadays. Good for you, good for the planet, good for the animals. There’s no practical downside?


No more danger than eating puffer fish. Avoid the brain and spinal tissue, you avoid the risk of a prison disease. Besides, if we’re talking about dangers to our health, veganism is quantifiably healthier and correlated with longevity.

And what do you mean “non-pet” dogs? Why wouldn’t you want to eat your pets? They live a much happier life before their slaughter, and it’s easier to manage the texture of their meat when they’re live-in stock.

You haven’t thought this through much, huh?


Going vegan is such a money-where-your-mouth-is move. If you’re left enough to know the damage meat eating causes, yet you still eat meat, how are you better than the industries you call out?

So much right wing bullshit is based on greed, yet left wing meat eaters can’t make the single most significant consumer change because “bacon too yummy lol”.

All these great left wing youtubers, as soon as I see they’re not vegan my respect drops in half.
