Was mich daran Wahnsinnig macht, ist dass wenn die Teile mal durch Bodenunebenheiten oder so auf und ab wippen, ich die dauernd mit Rettungs- oder Einsatzwagen verwechsel (also wenn die hinter einem fahren), weil das Licht im geänderten Winkel dann blau wirkt.
This really bugs me at work sometimes. I’m a designer and I often have to split up images in several mails because others don’t understand the concept of archives. Or even worse: send the photos as “excel image file” (slapping them all in a excel sheet). I even once had a printery tell me my file was corrupt because it was (accidentally on my part) compressed as 7z. Oh how I would love to send files more often as 7zip… But that’s black magic apparently.
It’s not even really better on Windows. (Nearly) all streaming services restrict resolution to 720p if you watch on a PC, mobile phone or tablet. With the exception of Netflix if you watch with Microsoft Edge or Chrome, I believe.
Fixed controller input inconsistently working in Big Picture mode windows.
God yes.
Yesterday I proudly did my part in this survey.
I feel you. I’ve had struggled with worrying a lot, too. Biggest insight for me was that worries are first of all just fantasies about the future. Start asking yourself more often: “what if everything goes well?” Instead of “what if everything goes wrong?”. Realize, in the realm of fantasies those two questions are equals. Your mom said that she thinks the engine sounded funny. And that’s it for all we know. Maybe she even just misheard. Also, start tackling real problems that may arise step by step. Stringing along worries before they have even arrived is of course paralyzing because fantasies are endless. You often will realize that all those “follow up” problems you fantasized about will never arise because you are very well capable of solving the real problems right away. Friends and family will love to help you if you ask.