
meseek #2982

6 posts • 1.4K comments

I am not me.

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I don’t get why the entire world isn’t on Mullvad.

I don’t trust these guys at all. I trialed them and despite their full money back guarantee, they locked me into a support loop, always switching support staff with boiler plate responses and links that dealt with account issues or whatever. It wasn’t until I left a stern reply demanding the refund or I would escalate the matter with the proper regulatory bodies.

It took 4 support tickets. To me, they came across hella shady.


You can’t abuse unlimited. That’s why it’s called “UNlimited.” I hate this two faced, corporate back sludge that always, and I mean always, puts it on the consumer as if they did something wrong. When in reality, it’s the company that is redlining or needs to boost those unsustainable goal of doubling revenue every quarter, ad infinitum.

The real narrative is Dropbox needs money so they are scrambling to cut every expense. No matter what spin they put on it.


Hi, I’m a publisher and I’m really sad reading some of these replies. Yes we turn a $5 textbook into $500. And yes we don’t pay the authors anything. In fact, we routinely work together to make sure they can’t even go anywhere else and get paid. Yes, we exploit laws and have lobbyists in every government to protect our interests.

But we are people too! We have feelings! And it hurts to read some of the replies that blame us for being greedy. We are, but it still hurts hearing it. Please do better internet!!


after reprimanding lenders for failing to reward deposits

This really is key. Think bank for a second. They make oodles off cash of nothing. Nothing. Just other people’s money. Think what you could do in 30 days with $6b. And what do the millions of people who pooled that $6h get? Fees. Nothing. There’s no interest for chequing, which the banks have set up to be the only way really to bank with. Savings net you next to nothing (do banks really think .5% is enough when they likely double your money day to day).

And incentivizes to deposit? Yeah, zero.

So they take all your money, charge you for it, make a killing, pay next to no taxes and call it a day.

And here I am slaving away making nothing, paying 45% in taxes, all the while making them rich. I’m so done with capitalism which has turned out to be every bit as bad as every other kind of government that came before it.


This entire shitty ad model these companies have pushed onto the net needs to go. Seriously. Find a better way to monetize your world.


That’s what we were all clambering for: a self driving machine that operates like a mouth breather late for work.

Elon is a masterclass of stupid.


Voltage argued that if the subscriber wasn’t the infringer, the fact that they had already received warnings under Canada’s ‘notice-and-notice’ regime, among other things, meant that they should be held liable

You sent the ISP that governs that particular IP a notice, nothing more. “They” didn’t receive notice, the entity using that IP did, which still remains a mystery.

I’m glad Canada has some semblance of intelligence in that you can’t convict someone based on a fucking IP. That’s as wild as holding someone accountable for a hit a run because they have the same make and model and colour of vehicle that was scene at the crime but no one saw the plate or the driver. I mean, come on. Using IP alone shouldn’t actually be a thing.


The real question is why people are still using that dumpster fire of a website.
