beep boop
For some reason it just falls into the same category in my head as all the other horrible shit happening around the world. With all the wars and genocide and torture and slavery and starvation, i just cant bring myself to care about the US election. I know rationally that all those things will be worsened to some degree by trump, but it just doesnt evoke anything in me.
Irgendwie hört sich homofeindlich komisch an. Homophobic im englischen bzw homophob im deutschen dagen nicht. Vielleicht nur in meinem kopf.
Naw i never even saw the full vid of that. Only saw the firs couple seconds but that shit is haunting.
To the first question tho. Compressing pain in a temporal sense doesnt really work i think. Some people experience migraines for their whole lives so those people would by that logic be some of the most pain resistant people on earth.
But also a branding would hurt for weeks/months until its healed and might get infected and shit. Human skin isnt like cow skin, that shit will instantly get destroyed permanently.