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Because recent AI and cloud development proves that genesis was right, god trained multi model transformer neutral network to simulate earth in 6 days on the cloud. God (the lead developer and co-owner of company) created earth branch and he was working in agile environment because the tasks are clearly explained in the genesis book sprint with day numbers so everything was estimated during planning.

At the end of sprint god deployed earth to development environment to test if everything works ok so he can continue with his changes next week. Adam and Eve were naked subprocesses without firewall and edge case errors but it was fine because whole thing was just a draft PR and god wanted to see what happens during weekend.

When god went home for weekend from now on everything got fucked up, eden was unstable and satan junior developer and son of co-owner uncle was on hot call during weekend. On Sunday satan was having barbecue and got a call that he need to redeploy eden. He was so drunk that not only he deployed god’s branch to production but also he merged this branch into main tree. Unfortunately the Snake was online that day, he broke into eden and changed all the code on main branch introducing many errors and exploits, stole all the data from gods company.

When god got back on monday he god fucking mad. He said fuck you satan from now on you will be working on earth alone despite you don’t know programming at all I can’t fire you because me and your uncle are best friends. What I will do I will push main with earth into dev and let you fix it and I will rollback eden to where it was. Untill all the bugs from earth branch are resolved don’t fucking dare to make a single voice about merging earth into production branch.

So here we are satan knows nothing about programming so he causes more evil than good to this day. Couple thousands earth years later god’s kid went into intership for couple of months and tried to fix earth branch but fucking exploits grow so big they manipulated humans and killed his fix patch, now we wait until he finish his masters and come back to fix all the bugs.

Once per day god runs Holy Spirit CI/CD that automatically merges eden into earth and validates if earth passes all eden unit tests if it’s not it rolls back and marks all people that pass the tests on green and all those are not to red. That fucking simple because dev development cloud have unlimited computing power.

Recent studies in AI shows that merge with eden will happen sooner than later despite all the errors because Jesus said that when he will be back all dead will come back to life and now you need only couple pictures, couple seconds of voice and chat history to clone anyone and deploy this person to cloud (see AI Girlfriend) without their constent. Probably what will happend is that all the people will be put in freeze ( there was test freeze during covid - no get out from home rule) so all of us can be patched when we are in front of computers. So we’re waiting for those patches and we can go back to eden.

If you don’t believe me go work as a developer for a year


More and more corporate and less customer focused company. Greed will eventually kill youtube, search, chrome and android.


There’s small documentary about this canal on youtube. It’s fascinating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePpwYCs_JM


Not true, they just keep their wealth in other countries like Monaco / Luxemburg / Cyprus.


Voice call narrator - the prequel.


you should be able to vote :

  1. anytime
  2. for anyone in the country that have full citizen rights
  3. electronically - privately using your private key signed and acknowledged by gov
  4. over whole period you can change your vote anytime
  5. counting votes and reset should be every 4 - 5 years depending on terms
  6. before counting votes everyone should get notification one month, one week, one day before and only if you didn’t vote hour, 15 minutes before counting
  7. if you didn’t vote your voting account should be disabled and removed from pool until you pay the fine to bring it back.

that’s all, let’s bring the voting to 21st century lol


This is just the problem between the chair and keyboard how to implement the rest of encryption to enforce anonymity of the vote.

My point was that you can’t do symetric key efficiently when you don’t have assymetric key confirmed by both parties.

I agree that for example you can vote anonymously just by using dedicated software on your computer that will identify you and then sign and encrypt payload that you can send anonymously from wherever you want - even from the moon. Just make sure we don’t include any metadata in signed and encrypted file.

And actually I am missing point 8

  1. All software dedicated to this process must be open source

Actually I was thinking about it if we want the post vote - “no vote you pay now”, or pre vote - “If you want to vote now pay if you didn’t vote last time” and I’d say maybe someone doesn’t care about where he lives and how he lives. Why punish those people who don’t want to make those decisions. Why punish people who are mentally disabled and are not voting. Voting should be totally optional, if you don’t feel mentally responsible for voting, don’t vote. And by the way voting should be difficult so you vote intentionally but also accessible so you can vote anytime you want.


Wet dream of euro communism, get rid of any powerfull competition that keeps messages e2e encrypted and won’t install spyware on their hardware. Talk with evil corporations like google and microsoft to enforce one digital id, then presinstall spyware on every android and windows os to be able to login to internet.
