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What word do you prefer to use to describe people who hoard more wealth than they or their children can spend in a lifetime while the vast majority of workers are on the edge of financial ruin? Why can’t they be satisfied with just having one mega yacht? One giant mansion? If not “greed” what do you call it?


Correction, the election that gave Hamas power was 17 yrs ago, half the population of Gaza is under 18. Half the population of Gaza was not even born yet when the last election took place.

If memory serves, that’s also around the time Netanyahu was funding Hamas. Your post blames children who couldn’t vote for Hamas more than the PM of Israel who was funding them.

Hopefully this helps you relate more to the children and young adults in Palestine who had no say in their either.


Jesus … two families, many many friends, just horribly killed on what was supposed to be a happy day.

Words are failing me, that’s just really fucking sad.


I’m sorry my reply came off as aggressive, I truly wasn’t trying to be. These times are incredibly frustrating, we just want good products from good companies that don’t do fucked up shit, and that seems to be too much to ask for ?? It sucks.

But I have no problem with you personally, we’re all trapped in this stupid system together. Be well, my dude. I’m sorry my reply caused you stress, it wasn’t my intention.

Edit: I see that you have downvotes and want you to know they’re not from me


I was off Facebook for years, and was never a heavy user, but I had to get back on because the school my daughter goes to sends out so many notifications that way.

Facebook is very ingrained in how business and groups interact these days, what’s an individual to do? Disconnect from the world and miss important school notifications, among other things?

Plus the “stealing” isn’t just from people using the platform, it’s also in wages and benefits for employees. Why aren’t they getting a bigger share of those profits they worked to produce?


To me this is how our conversation thread goes:

Me: I hope they crash and burn

You: They actually make good products, I hope this tax stuff goes away so they can focus on their good products

Me: Nah, fuck them, I hope they crash and burn for what they’ve done

You: And throw their good products in the trash?

That to me sounds like you think their good products should save them from the Find Out portion of Fucking Around. Please correct me if I misunderstood you, but that’s how the conversation reads to me.


I think that’s going to be something personal to each of us. For me having medication gave me the give a damn to, for instance, make sure all dishes are handled before bed. Pre-meds I’d let them go “til the next day” far too often, with meds I was able to make a nightly rule that the sink has to be empty. When I had to go off meds that rule was still in my head, and I knew that if I didn’t keep the rule I’d undo the habit and leaving dishes in the sink wouldn’t feel “wrong” anymore. So I embraced that “dishes in the sink overnight is wrong” feeling and that carried me through til I got back on meds. (There was MUCH whining, both internal and external, lol, but they got done!)

In the last 8 months I’ve gone to bed with dishes in the sink probably less than 5 times. And that used to be a HUGE issue for me. But now the rule is engrained enough that I’ll plan my evening to make sure it gets done, even if that means doing it in chunks throughout the evening.

It’s been a slow process and I’m still not as put together as I’d like to be, and I probably never will be, but the meds are at least giving me a fighting chance.

I basically picked a couple things that felt really important (I brush my teeth every night now!) And found my internal motivation (I hate the way my mouth feels if I go to bed without brushing) , as well as the tricks to make sure I did the things (I’m not allowed to turn off the bathroom light til I brush my teeth, that way I can’t sleep cuz the light is on) and once those new rules are easy to follow I have the mental space to pick something new to add.

I wish I could be more helpful, but like I said, I feel like each of us have so many variables as to what works and what doesn’t. I’m also pretty sure I’m on the autism spectrum (I keep forgetting to bring it up with my Dr so I can get evaluated, lol) so god knows how that may affect things as far as habit building for me.

There’s a YouTube channel I really like, “How to ADHD” , she has great tips for habit building, and because she goes over so many ideas I was able to pick and choose the strategies that felt right for me.


Yep, sure. I’m okay with that. It makes more sense that someone else buys the company than to throw it in the trash, but regardless I don’t see how “they make good products” is an excuse for the manipulation of our government on the scale they’ve engaged in.

If more corporations faced the death penalty for the shit they pull they’d be way less likely to pull it. (To be clear I’m referring to the company being sold and/or the leaders going to jail, depending on the offense, not literally executing the heads of corporations)
