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Vijay Prema
2 posts • 23 comments

The Mindful Technologist - On the intersection of Spirit and Tech.

• Software Engineer
• Cybermonk
• Meditator
• Silence-seeker.

📍 Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa (Auckland, New Zealand)

#Meditation #Consciousness #Mindfulness #Minimalism #Nature #Buddhism #FOSS #OpenSource #Linux #DistractionFree #CalmTech #HumaneTech #SolarPunk #eBike #YouAreTheAlgorithm #ArtificialIntelligence #NaturalIntelligence

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As a fully remote/flexible/async SW developer contractor paid by the hour, I have a different situation than most.

Personally I do not install any work apps on my phone because I could easily end up “doing work” that I don’t really get paid for.

When I work, I sit down at my actual PC intentionally, I start a timer, and I bill for my time that I take doing work only.

I avoid any work that I need to respond to outside of that and I make this fact known to anyone I work with.


@streetfestival @the_q I’m glad you get it. I love “be more buy less”!

Many of us don’t need nearly as much as we think we do. It takes a bit of growth & calming down tho, which is hard to do with all the noise

Media hypes us on the “cost of living crisis” and while I agree basic needs price goes up which sucks, but half the problem is really a “cost of confirming crisis”. That is, wanting to live in a very specific and often sub-optimal way just to be at least “on par” with everyone else.


@the_q Oh don’t get me started flexing on how I sleep on the floor and no longer own a car



Or some just like cooking and don’t give a damn about consumerism?

I’m not exactly struggling with finances. I cook all my food because I like to and have time. I hardly buy stuff because I unbrainwashed myself from consumerism.

Half the reason I semi-retired in my 30s is because I need little to satisfy me after de-bloating my mind.

I have a baby son and a wife and plenty of time to spend with them.

All of the people I know who have more money than me do not have any of this.


@binarybomb @fne8w2ah A long time ago I used Pocketcasts which is very good but not open source.

FOSS options are AntennaPod or Podverse depending on your needs.

AntennaPod is very popular but Podverse is newer and rapidly developing and it includes a great web player. I’m using Podverse currently, which works with or without an account.

You could also use any RSS reader, and just use Podverse to search and find podcast feeds to subscribe to.


@fne8w2ah IMO there is little reason to use a big platform for listening to podcasts. I would recommend or just any old RSS reader which doesn’t need any account nor is in any danger of being shut down ever.


@MargotRobbie I used iPhones for 7 years when they first came out. Almost always kept it jailbroken where possible. Eventually switched to Android and I found I could do the things out of the box, that previously required jailbreak with iPhone. Around that time, Android UX had caught up to iPhone as well. Custom app stores (F-Droid), custom launchers and more.

Eventually got sick of Android too. Now I use #lineageos (only a subtle difference) and now I feel like I actually own my smartphone.


I see this from another angle. The 99% average people using stuff like this and judging people based on the color of a txt bubble simply are not worth hanging with. I mean the whole reason I use Lemmy and mastodon and not the platforms that the 99% use is for this reason. Let your honest choices filter the crap from your life.


There’s a tendency to think social isolation is bad or think something is wrong with us for doing it. IMO most people who go out and party all the time are also just “socially isolating”, by putting up a front, drinking etc, with no real deep connection. No vulnerability and openness. If you have deep relationship with family you are probably better off.

Your wisdom could be telling you not to waste your time going out with shallow folks. Having 1 or 2 deep friends is nice.


IMO it sucks to be running or working in big tech companies. And now that suckiness is leaching down into their products and end users. The are all trapped by their own desire.

Why? well at the top of the company you got people who have sold investors a “line goes up forever” fairy-tale, cracking the whip on CEOs to make it happen.

Most tech peaked in usefulness and now its mainly weaseling around trying to make the line go up.

Better to back out of this shit show like Homer into a hedge.
