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How do you call that big sidewalk alongside a beach? That was awesome. Long walk just talking and listening.


And yeah I agree just a long walk’n’talk where you don’t have to constantly look at the other person is kind of the best to get to know someone.

And ffs movies… I had one first date at the movies and this was really awful. Especially since afterwards we drove home (not together). Like, what was that even?

The only way it works is if you go have drinks afterwards and heatedly discuss the movie. But for this you have to meet a cinemaholic and the movie has to have been at least not neutral. Maybe still better on a second or third date than first.

Maybe I’ve never been to a restaurant because I effectively stopped dating at 24 and before that I just wasn’t in the age group that could afford restaurants?


I see, yet I feel that if this was another celebrity, it would not be called dumb. If Julian Assange had been injured I believe the reaction would be different. Even if the bandaid looked the same.

But, again, just to be clear - having overbearing sympathy with someone who promotes violence and hatred after he got away with a scratch is at best questionable. Supporting such a person and believing that they will do them good is awful and naive. Being said person is… morally wrong, to say the least.


Genuine question - do people seriously have dates in restaurants? I’m 32 and never have I ever been asked on a date in a restaurant. Cafe, sure. But a full on meal with a person? I literally don’t know anyone who went on a first/early date in a restaurant. I assumed that’s a 90s thing that was nowadays only taking place in movies and sitcoms.


Please don’t think that I endorse this or that I think that Trump is anything but a disgusting idiotic asshole, but how is wearing a bandaid on your ear to support a person any different than the ever popular shaving your head in support of a friend going through cancer? Do these also look dumb? I mean that there are Trump supporters is bad enough in itself, but at least they show compassion to a person when something happens. So the gesture is only bad in context I guess.


Well that’s a great way to have a customer come exactly once to your place and order something small and cheap and then never return out of bad memories and embarrassment. It’s also a great way to make a name as “that restaurant where you’ll get ghosted” for yourself. For real, either the place would get a bad rep as a cursed place, or (more likely) they lose valuable potential customers because they will never go back to a place where they have been stood up.


Yeah my question is just whether it would even work as an insulation or whether it would make the house hotter, or something like that. I’m very sure there are better and more practical techniques to cooling houses. It’s definitely not geoengineering as, well, there is no geo part in this, it was just the best term to describe what technology/aerosol I was asking about.


So essentially while trying to build an anti-green house I ended up building a normal green house. But that’s actually exactly the answer I was looking for, thank you a lot! It was not so much about the practicality or whether there are better solutions but about whether I am missing something. (My other guess was that this light reflection would only work in the stratosphere to begin with.)

I’m a millennial living in a rented apartment so I cannot/could not implement anything. But we do indeed have trees in front of our windows, we have heat exchangers in two out of three rooms, PV on the rooftop and the house (built in 1900) is painted white (apart from the roof). Needless to say AC isn’t a thing in my country. Currently we have slightly under 26°C in our apartment. And my parents have a (very white) house with what you call a living roof, that’s a great name for that which I wasn’t familiar with before. Again, thanks!


I speak perfect German, in fact my German is better than my Russian (which my parents taught me). I cannot say one word or read a sentence in German to my parents without the heaviest Russian accent. It’s insanely hard to turn off and I have to concentrate on every word if I want to pronounce it normally. But the default is the most heavy and cliched Russian accent.


I checked the website out yesterday. You can either have the fallout shown or not. It also depends on whether you choose to detonate in the air or on the surface. But if you choose the option with the fallout, boy,… honestly maybe don’t because it was legit more depressing and scary than what you see in the screenshot above.
