

7 posts • 369 comments

kde, linux, busses, open source and the good old Grateful Dead.

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They really brought attention to themselves. But if I understand it the current discussion is about if all books need to be removed, or can they have controlled lending.


Yeah, I realize that. They waaaaay overstepped their rights on that one. But they are back to the original method.


I can see where you are going with this. But there is NOT a copy in my browser. Only a representation of a fraction of the whole book at any given time. I cannot make a copy.

When I am viewing the section of the book, the rest of the book is “checked out”. No one else can look at it. Is this not how a library works? I check out an item, then I take it back? Are they not making the steps to make sure I can check it out, read it, and then I have to give it back?

Since libraries are allowed to loan from their collection, what makes digital any different? In the case of video, if the library wanted to check out a video and stream it to me, I see no difference than me checking it out myself. In fact libraries are granted the right to show videos to me and small groups, so why can’t I be farther away than in their building?

The current move of libraries to streaming services is exactly because of this. Now the library has a license, and cannot share the stream without the license. This is a move to remove physical items so that the possibility of streaming from a physical item is moot.


I understand your point. But the archive isn’t giving you a copy. It will display 2 pages on your screen, using encryption, for up to 2 hours. You can turn pages and see a different 2 pages displayed, but that’s it.

Is this a significant distinction from a copy, I don’t know. But it does seem different as I cannot take that copy, I can only observe content and even then in a limited way.


Strawberry or Clementine. I mean 100K entries in a database is nothing. Even for SQLite. You can add multiple library locations, this is no problem.

You probably want Strawberry as it is newer and maintained, but I still like Clementine for the extra features that Strawberry doesn’t have yet. For you probably, not a big deal - things like podcast support, cloud support etc.


You misspelled Ubuntu.


You said everyone. Then cited his lawyers. Shouldn’t they be in the same category as the cops?


Third day of deposition.

After fighting Boeing since 2017. Losing the first court case by the way.

An entire movie about this came out in 2022.

It sounds like a desperate person who had enough.

Why kill him now? Wad something going to come out that already hadn’t? Or wad this person tired of fighting and feeling helpless.

You could argue that maybe Boeing killed him in the long run.

But with 50,000 people taking their lived a year in the US I tend to think a lot of people are just broken. And i can’t blame them.

Also, you are suggesting the police were in on it since they ruled out foul play too?

Although I don’t trust them either. So fair enough on that one.


No they are not that suspicious at all. The first death served no purpose unless you really believe it was a “fuck you” death.

The second wasnt much better, but come on, they really got a hospital involved? Do you know how stupid that sounds?

I DO think CEO’s, members of the board, and rich shareholders have legislative and other protections. At the very least the ability to send lawyers to court for the rest of their lives if they had to. I believe they can get away with quite a lot, and probably make money doing it even if caught. So none of that, NONE of that means resorting to murder. There just isn’t really a need to.

If this were a case of targeted blackmail, perhaps somekind of love affair gone wrong or some kind or really nasty shit, then I could see it.

You can ruin peoples lives, create shoddy products, pollute the land, boss people around, and you won’t get in any trouble if you are rich. No need to murder anyone.
