All sucks sites are legitimate military targets by definition - regardless of whether they have anything to do with conventional weapons. MAD is not about ethnics. MAD is about MAD. No one will give a damn whether there were also some pee shooters in the missle silo the destruction of which caused Armageddon. You don’t need sympathy. This brings you one step closer to disaster too.
Holy shit, a Serb? Croatian? Bosnian? Montenegrin? Ma, “naš”, on Lemmy? Gde si se krio 'leba ti? Mislio sam da sam sam.
Maybe I’m being overly generous here, to me the user just sounded frustrated with the boundaries of civil discourse masking but not solving a problem. I assumed the problem was self-evident/they weren’t denying it.
To me that feels like a call for more action, not less. It’s all too easy to pretend something isn’t happening when the verbiage around it becomes more palatable (exactly what dog whistles are for).
But again, maybe I’m being too generous.