AI influencers are wild. Much like blockchain somehow AI will solve all your problems, but to access the grimoire that is LLM prompts gotta watch a video by someone who claims to have this knowledge access but had their presentation written by ChatGPT
I used to think regulations were good and protecting us, then I became someone who wanted to take advantage of you so now regulators are bad. Let me fleece you, stop preventing it
In capital markets infrastructure low latency and high throughput are the 2 core design principles of any system. Blockchain manages to violate both; how anyone could have thought this is “the future” is beyond me. I still hear all too often “ya blockchain (or cryptocurrency) doesn’t work now but I’m sure it’ll be great and useful eventually!”
Why oh why are people so attached to this proven failed tech idea? I’ll throw it the smallest of bones and say maybe a distributed ledger with cryptographic proofs has some very specific minor use case, but even if that maybe is true for one thing why is it shoved everywhere it doesn’t belong?
Mention C (and to an extent C++) and turbo nerds froth to show off how ultra cool they are cause they are LoW lEvEl programmers. But like most things, these loud freaks are mostly incoherent with their random insertion of tech words. Putting aside the DEI stuff cause I will rant forever against this racist and sexist fuckwit, it’s massively annoying working in an industry and dummies love to be all hand wavy and suggest something like sanitizers. Thanks bro, let’s all add runtime sanitizers and watch perf tank in the most critical section of your computer. And as you pointed out he doesn’t even mention the right one.
Next time Crowdstrike should just have an if check all registers after every instruction to make sure their values are within your address space! And and and make sure a woman doesn’t program it cause according to him they are exempt from code reviews cause of the left agenda or some bullshit
Not really a sneer but James Gosling (one of the creators of Java) has discovered and enjoys pivot to ai https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pivot-ai-james-gosling-l06gc
My experience talking with people has been often this same situation; they have some specialty expertise and for whatever reason now accept ChatGPT as all knowing and use it a lot day to day. It worries me since the response to “why” is usually along the lines of humans aren’t always right but this is AI so it will keep getting better eventually.
Tools should be 100% correct. Your work has regressed because you swapped out good tools and practices for spicy autocorrect