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☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
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I personally think that US is currently at a stage where education and organizing are the most important tasks for the left. However, the fact that the right is increasingly seeing violence as the answer can’t be ignored.

Furthermore, mainstream politics is incredibly polarized now with both republicans and democrats at the point where they see each other as a threat to their way of life. Whoever wins the election is going to be seen as an illegitimate tyrant by a large portion of the population. The whole social contract hinges on people accepting elections as being essentially fair. If people stop believing that the government holds power because it has the mandate of the people, then there’s little reason to accept it.

Given all that, I expect that civil unrest is a very possible scenario after the election, and everyone should start preparing for that eventuality.


My reasoning is that if you’re winning you want to keep the situation stable. Russian strategy is very straight forward, they’re grinding out the AFU and all the western equipment along with it. They know that they have higher industrial capacity and can keep this going longer. Meanwhile, the economic war is also playing out in Russian favor.

The very reason the west is trying to escalate is because they see that they’re losing, and they’re forced to try new things. However, escalation also brings the risk of unpredictability with it. The west doesn’t know when and how Russia will respond to them, so they’re kept guessing whether their latest round of escalations might backfire in some unexpected way.

The western media is whinging about Russia sending weapons to western adversaries, but I don’t expect that they’d be able to sell a direct conflict with Russia this way. And that’s really the only card the west has left to play at this point.


There’s not much reason for Russia to escalate directly since the status quo favors them already. However, arming proxies is a perfect response that can result in severe consequences for NATO without directly escalating the current crisis. I imagine US military is going to be a lot more hesitant continuing pumping Ukraine full of weapons if this could result in their assets being attacked in West Asia and Africa.


The joys of being a vassal of the empire. Netherlands and Japan now seeing their high tech industry be destroyed in order to serve US interests. As Kissinger so aptly put it, it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.


I feel like it’s gonna be equally hilarious whether he runs or not, just a different kind of a clown show.
