Les règles:
- Les poteaux doivent être en lien avec la grande région de Montréal et / ou sa culture et / ou sa population.
- Aucune bigoterie ne sera tolérée. Ça comprend, mais sans se limiter à, le racisme, le sexisme, l’homophobie, la transphobie, etc.
- Soyez respectueux envers l’aspect multiculturel de Montréal et les autres internautes. Ce sublemmy est bilingue (anglais / français).
- Effectuez une recherche internet avant de poser des questions sur de l’information façilement accessible.
- Aucune auto-promotion (incluant trucs à vendre), sauf sous approbation par l’équipe de modération. Toute auto-promotion non-approuvée sera considérée comme étant du spam.
- Pas d’éditorialisme des titres lorsque l’on partage un article. Utilisez le titre original, écrivez un commentaire pour partager votre opinion.
- Tentez de lier la source directe, lorsque possible. Évitez les blogs qui paraphrasent la source.
- Pas d’objets perdus.
- Pas de meme macros.
- Rien d’illégal ou trop NSFW.
- Pas de robots sans approbation au préalable
- Utilisez le gros bon sens
- Posts must be related to the region of Montreal and / or its culture and / or its population.
- Absolutely no bigotry will be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
- Be respectful towards the multicultural aspect of Montreal and your fellow users. This sublemmy is bilingual (French / English).
- Perform an internet search before asking questions on easily accessible information.
- No self-promotion (including for sale items), unless approved by the mod team. All unapproved self-promotion will be considered as spam.
- No title editorialism when sharing an article. Use the original title, write a comment to share your opinion.
- Try to link to the original source whenever possible. Avoid sources that paraphrase other sources.
- No lost and found.
- No meme macros.
- Nothing illegal or overly NSFW.
- No bots without prior approval
- Use common sense.
Community stats
Monthly active users
Community moderators
Welcome to!
“” is so named due to it running the Lemmy software, in the Fediverse, and it’s geared toward Canadians, hosted in Canada, and run by Canadians. It is, however, not at all restricted to Canadians, or Canadian culture/topics/etc. All are welcome!
We are run by the non-profit Fedecan and funded entirely by user donations. You can help support us by visiting our donations page.
We have some rules here:
1. No Bigotry
Including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
2. Be Civil
Argue in good faith, attack the argument; not the person, and promote a healthy debate. That includes implying violence, threats or wishes of violence and/or death.
3. No Porn
This instance is not made to host porn communities. You’re free to access porn communities on other instances through your account, but be mindful of Rule 4.
4. Use the NSFW tag
Use your common sense: if you wouldn’t want this image to show up on your work computer, tag it as such. In comments, use the tag for NSFW images, and put a NSFW mention beside links. :::
5. No Ads / Spam
This instance is not there to act as your billboard. If you want to promote your personal work, at least make the effort to be a contributing member of this community. Your account purpose shouldn’t be to only advertise, make it natural.
6. Bot account
If you are the operator of a “bot” account, make sure to flag is as such in the account’s settings.
7. Right to privacy
Do NOT distribute the personal information of someone else without their consent (aka doxxing). Information that is public domain can be shared, provided it is in good faith.
ex: The official email of an elected official is fair, the private phone number or the real name of a non-public person is NOT.
8. Report abuse
The report function isn’t labelled the disagree button. You might not agree with someone, but that doesn’t mean what the person says is against the rules. Using it repeately in this fashion will lead to actions being taken against the reporter.
9. Impersonation
Don’t make an account with the intent to negatively deceive or defame someone on the fediverse.
ex: Parody of a famous person is okay, submitting outrageous content as appearing like another user, mod or admin isn’t.
Getting Started
Site resources
- Main community at !
- Support at !
- Uptime history at
- Mlmym interface at
- Voyager interface at
- Photon interface at
- Alexandrite interface at
Need to contact an admin? PM us at