
Shitty Superpowers


Shitty Superpowers


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Post your favorite shitty superpower ideas that will help you save or shit on the world that needs us!

Community stats

  • 38

    Monthly active users

  • 65


  • 170


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Hilarious Chaos

Welcome to Hilarious Chaos!

This is a selectively federated instance for all people who want to use Lemmy but without the bullshit. You are welcome to be yourself here. Engage in discussions, post funny shit, talk, create communities, and most importantly, HAVE FUN.

We are a down to earth instance who doesn’t get our feelings hurt or offended easily. If you have any questions AND have already made an account, please feel free to message Alice.

We hope this becomes your new online home!


• Post it in !askhilariouschaos