I’ve been happily posting away here on two accounts since just before the Great Migration, and have no problem being openly a woman on the internet. Up to and including correcting people who assume I’m a guy, and even occasionally acknowledging the existence of periods.

Which, honestly that was a bad tactic back on Reddit, my inbox was a nightmare. But here it’s gone much better, so thank you to anyone who ever received one of my corrections with good grace!

It’s also brought quite a few DMs my way from other women who try to stay more anonymous with their posts, a choice I can completely understand.

So today on International Women’s Day I just want to wave hello to the other women out there, even if you don’t want to break cover and wave back. Anonymous or not, cis or trans, I see you out there and you’re killing it.

This may break the community rule on encouraging discussion, if nobody wants to out themselves to say hello back. So I guess I should also ask a question.

Um…anyone else using it as an excuse to treat themselves today? I’ve given myself the day (mostly) off work and am doing some fun gamedev all afternoon instead, then we’re planning a takeaway tonight. Easily pleased, perhaps, but sounds good to me 😄

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73 points

There are dozens of us! But seriously I’ve been so happy to be a lady on here and have good conversations with damn near everyone. As for treating myself, I am looking forward to my husband cooking us a nice dinner this weekend.

20 points

Oh nice, what’s the food plan? Or is it a surprise?

We’ll be having crispy hawaiian tofu tomorrow which is just about my fave food in the whole world, husband is also doing the cooking (he actually does that every day because he’s one of those weirdos who enjoy it). Still very much looking forward to it though, not having to cook for myself never gets old!

7 points

Would be very curious to hear about more about your husband’s crispy hawaiian tofu! I love tofu in any and all fashions and am always interested to find new ways to make it :)

6 points

It started with this recipe although I have no idea what tweaks he’s made to it since! https://www.rabbitandwolves.com/crispy-hawaiian-garlic-tofu-vegan/

I do know the trick for us is to freeze the tofu first but as a fellow enjoyer I daresay you’ve got your own favourite prep method already.

14 points

We alternate cooking special meals on the weekends. Last weekend I didn’t a pulled pork butt in the crockpot and this weekend he’s going to do a nice steak dinner with mashed potatoes. Beef is a little expensive right now but we both wanted a real treat.

11 points

That’s such a cozy tradition, I hope it’s exactly as delicious as you’re imagining!


[Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation


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