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FR FR, defrauding the system should be punished, not prevented, because right now preventative measures are very obviously doing jack shit in actual service to the public
I’m not even talking about fraud. I think someone should still be entitled to a basic existence even if they don’t want to work. Like sure, don’t give them an Xbox Series X, but, give them food and heat. Maybe even an Xbox 360. What are those, like $30?
My point is that the argument for not doing that derives from paranoia about the system being defrauded by the unscrupulous poor or whatever
I hear that argument a lot and the fear and paranoia about the system being defrauded is so unfounded. People are crazy susceptible to propaganda. The cases found to be actually fraudulent are under 10%. The statistics for fraud are super low and so many people who are legit disabled get denied over and over. It’s mind boggling lol
I only find my life fulfilled if I have the latest systems, games, and full online services for each.