IDF says Palestinian militant groups fired salvo from Rafah area as Israel’s offensive in Gaza’s southernmost city continues

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11 points

Tldr: Hamas shot some rockets, they got shot down, and Israel killed at least 35 Palestinians in response.

And this should be the thumbnail not the Israelis that were safe the whole time

4 points

I wouldn’t say anyone being shot at with rockets is “safe”…

-2 points
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1 point
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-3 points

So if you’re wearing a bulletproof vest and somebody shoots at you and either misses or hits the vest, are you not allowed to shoot back? Are you supposed to just stand there and let the attacker continue until they succeed?

Keep in mind that every single Hamas rocket attack means a disruption of daily life, with people only having seconds to rush to shelter. It’s stressful and traumatic, to the point that a few months ago, a nine year old with a preexisting condition died from a heart attack that was caused by the fear and stress of being under attack:

There is nothing safe about it. All the Iron Dome can do is lower the risk, but it doesn’t eliminate it. It doesn’t eliminate every one of these unguided rockets and the debris still rains down.

The ironic thing is that for many years, this system saved more Palestinian than Israeli lives, since it allowed Israel to more or less eat these rockets instead of having to strike back every time. After Hamas used a rocket barrage as cover on October 7 - which they also used to murder people hiding in shelters that they had the terrorists knew the locations of - Israel cannot ignore these attacks anymore. The risk is too great now that it’s not “just” a rocket attack, that it’s part of a larger assault, perhaps a further escalation, e.g. with rockets that aren’t just filled with explosives, but perhaps with dangerous substances as well.

3 points

It’s mental to me that you’re being down voted. I know by making this comment I’ll join the down vote club, but whatever.

Those who are down voting ask yourself, which state in the world would accept their neighbour indiscriminately firing missiles at their civilians?

Hamas attempts to murder innocent Israelis, IDF responds by attempting to take out position where rockets came from. Hamas keep (and often concentrate) civilians near launch site who get killed, they publish the aftermath, now Israel is the bad guy for not allowing Hamas to indiscriminately murder people.

Ask yourself, had Israel not been able to shoot down the rockets and they hit a school, how would you feel about the deaths of Israeli children?

If you say “I’d feel terrible, children are children”, then you’re halfway there. Israel are taking steps to protect their children as any rational actor would. Hamas are quite literally putting them in the firing line. Why not let the children in the tunnels? Why not fire rockets far away from civilians?

-8 points

Question. If a group of people raped and kidnapped almost all the women in your family and the family of all your friends in front of you and killed or kidnapped almost all the men. Leaving you as one of the few people left. Would you kill an innocent child to get to the people who did and planned this if it was the only way, or just say, “oh well! Guess they can get away with it, I didn’t want to be a monster…”?

5 points

Violence rarely makes things better. Which is why, despite the Israel army displacing, murdering and sexually assualting the people of Palestine, I will never celebrate their armed response. I do, however, hope that the UN will finally get off their arses and give the Palestinians full membership, so they can live without fear of being kidnapped or murdered by the IDF.

Just kidding, the UN won’t do shit to a nuclear power.

1 point

You missed it. I’m talking from the pov of Israel, not Palestine.

Hamas has it in their charter to destroy Israel and every other Jew in the world…

“From the river to the sea” doesn’t mean “hey Israel, get off our backs” it means death to Israel. And when has appeasement ever worked?

You also never answered my question.

2 points

Would you kill an innocent child to get to the people who did and planned this if it was the only way

I’d get better ways.

1 point

What’s your plan? How do you combat a terrorist organization that interprets any kind gesture, any attempt at normalization as weakness and uses it as pretext to attack? Should I remind you how Hamas has reacted to past concessions?


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