I started with the Nomad starter package and have enjoyed it so far, but it has a lot of downsides. I’m looking to spend another 50 to 100 on a good upgrade but I’m having a hard time finding a good option.

With the game in alpha stage, I want something that fits as many gameplay types as possible and can hold it’s own against other players. It seems like everything in the $100-150 range is fairly role specific. Are there any good jack-of-all trade options?

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3 points

The Vulture is a fun ship right now and can make quite a bit of money. It’s not that far outside of your price range.

I usually just bounce around to the new ships to try them out and that’s why I enjoy the melt/credit system on RSI website so much.

2 points

I tried a few salvage missions and they didn’t seem that profitable? Do they larger ships end up paying more? I think I paid 20k for a Freelancer and the salvage was only work around 40k total.

1 point

Yeah, HH missions can make a good profit, but they also take a long time. I’d like to know how salvage fairs per hour over the other professions.


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