The only time I make my bed is when I change the sheets. That’s once a week, and I only make it then because my mother instilled it in me.

Not making it everyday saves time but more importantly airs everything out and deprives bacteria of moisture. That, makes it less stinky and lets my bedding last longer.

I sleep hot, it doesn’t matter what the ambient temperature is. Vermont in winter? Heating is off in my bedroom, and I have a leg out.

Edit: seems like this isn’t unpopular. It was a random thought that popped in my head. Everyone I have explained this to thinks it’s weird.

I understand the tidy thing, everything else in my bedroom is quite tidy, my life really, with the notable exception of my thought processes.

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33 points

The only reason I make the bed every morning is because we have dogs that like to lay on it when we aren’t home and there is nothing worse when you are crawling in bed at night and finding dirt or sand all in it.


I feel this. I started to make my bed because my cat would lay on the sheets. Whatever, some cat hair. But then I would start to feel kitty litter in my bed at night as I rolled over. Made it faithfully every day after that!

3 points

May my dirt and sand form a tidy pile upon the making of my bed


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