Also Democrats: Ve shall round up und eradicate ze undesirables from society!!! Ve shall put zem into ze camps and ve shall enslave them to benefit ze superior class!!!

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-1 points

As I said before, that sort of change is going to take longer than the few months we have left before the election. Right now the choice is Biden or Trump for the next term. It sucks, but that is what it is. Don’t forget the down-ticket elections too.

24 points

It’ll do more good for you to stick your ballot up your ass. From a utilitarian perspective it will result in a higher net-gain of happiness.

-1 points

Oww. Just think of the paper cuts! If that’s your thing I’m certainly not going to kink shame, but it’s not for me. ;)

Seriously though, yes I know that in a lot of places you’re not going to achieve anything substantive by voting. What you do achieve though is keeping the numbers up. If the Dems get no votes in Republican leaning areas it doesn’t tell them they’re not left enough, it tells them they’re not right enough as that’s where the votes are. Does it make a big difference? Probably not, but it does make some difference, and that might be enough to start to swing things in future elections.

12 points

Oh no, the happiness wouldn’t be yours, it would be mine, because you would be in pain.

You literally do not get it. It’s literally confirmation bias for the Dems however you vote. If you give them votes they will think ‘hey moving right is clearly working!’ if you don’t vote for them they think ‘well dang we need to move more right!’. They’ve been doing this song and dance since the 60’s, you cannot affect them by voting or participating in their electoral sham.


17 points

Right now the choice is Biden or Trump for the next term. It sucks, but that is what it is.

This thinking has locked us in a rightward spiral for the last half century.

That’s the real issue this time,” he said. “Beating Nixon. It’s hard to even guess how much damage those bastards will do if they get in for another four years.”

The argument was familiar, I had even made it myself, here and there, but I was beginning to sense something very depressing about it. “How many more of these goddamn elections are we going to have to write off as lame but ‘regrettably necessary’ holding actions? And how many more of these stinking, double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get ourselves straight enough to put together some kind of national election that will give me and the at least 20 million people I tend to agree with a chance to vote for something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils?”

I trust you know the definition of insanity.

-2 points

To be clear, I agree with the sentiment of your post, but that doesn’t change what is in front of us. Yes, it’s lamentable, yes it shouldn’t need to be like this, and yes, it didn’t need to be like this, but it is. As I’ve asked several of your fellow posters, given the reality in front of us, what would you personally suggest people do, and what do you anticipate the results being, both electorally and socially?

13 points

Democrats need to lose this election. There has to be an electoral consequence for openly supporting an active genocide. No, this doesn’t mean supporting Trump – his genocidal rhetoric should get the lowest amount of support possible.

I’m probably going to vote for some non-genocidal presidential candidate with no chance at winning, then vote for Democratic congresspeople. If enough people do this the message will be “the votes are here, but not if you’re going to do all the things you say we should be terrified of Trump doing anyway.” Democrats holding at least one house of Congress will also (minimally) impede Republicans and prevent idiot lib pundits from writing “maybe everybody just wants fascism?” articles.

Hopefully this will open space for a significantly more left candidate in 2028, the way Hillary eating shit in 2016 opened space for Bernie to be the plurality favorite in 2020. Between that and libs finally taking the bad stuff Biden is doing seriously once Trump is in office, maybe we’ll shift a few things in a slightly better direction.

And that’s just the electoral piece. Beyond that, working on genuine harm reduction projects, trying to unionize your workplace, joining political organizations left of the Democratic Party, and trying to persuade people that Democrats are a dead end are all good things to do.

This isn’t a complete plan for getting to bare minimum improvements on issues like climate change, healthcare, imperialism, etc. (and note how that standard is never applied to Democrats), but my thinking is it can open up avenues to those improvements that aren’t currently available.


As I said before, that sort of change is going to take longer than the few months we have left before the election. Right now the choice is Biden or Trump for the next term. It sucks, but that is what it is. Don’t forget the down-ticket elections too.

What do you mean the next few months? Hasn’t Biden been president for almost four years?

-1 points

Yes, but I haven’t seen much in the way of wide spread and coordinated campaigns to put issues that matter in front of him and other Dems until fairly recently. That’s the issue, without a group of voters, large enough to change the outcome of elections, making their voices heard early enough for the parties to change their platforms without scaring off the rest of their voters little will change.

7 points

Yes, but I haven’t seen much in the way of wide spread and coordinated campaigns to put issues that matter in front of him and other Dems until fairly recently.

The uncommitted campaign was in April.

People have been protesting, organising, and in some cases taking legal action for ten months now since October 7th.

There’s been an international protest, legal, and lobbying effort for Palestinian rights since the late 1940s.

That’s the issue, without a group of voters, large enough to change the outcome of elections

But who swear infinite loyalty that they never actually will refuse to vote for said party, no matter what.

How do you force a party to do something it’s diametrically opposed to while insisting you and everyone will always support them and obliterating even the mildest possible leverage you have?

Yes, but I haven’t seen much in the way of wide spread and coordinated campaigns to put issues that matter in front of him and other Dems until fairly recently.
