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-4 points

Yes, if you can’t provide evidence for something I have no reason to believe you. I’m not sure how that’s a lame excuse. It’s why I’m an atheist as well. But you do you.

I’m not sure why you think I would talk about me showing a child my daughter’s baby photos since we were talking about me showing them to my adult child’s partner. Do you think my daughter will be a pedophile when she’s an adult and that I would support her in that or something?

4 points

I don’t believe you don’t believe him.

-2 points

Okay, well someone else claimed that they did have that trauma and I don’t disbelieve them. I would have had a more substantive response to their post, but they decided to accuse me of child abuse.

Edit: and now, they are saying I have a child porn collection. So I’m not sure I believe their claim at this point either.

3 points

Well it’s usually done to teen children’s teen partners ime, but ok fine I hope your adult childs adult partner asks for copies for later, the age of the person making the creepy comment is really not important but I think it’s worse if they’re adults so I’ll roll with it lol. Maybe she doesn’t know her husband’s proclivities, I’m not sure most pedos advertise it willingly, but he’s “tooootally not gonna spank it he just wants it for archival purposes” lol.

If your wife says “not tonight I have a headache” do you ask for evidence of hypertension? If she says something you did made her upset do you ask for evidence in a peer reviewed paper on why X could possibly be psychologically damaging? I’d bet the answer is “no I take her word at face value because it is her feelings after all.” But fuck the feelings of others? Would I have to begrudgingly have sex with you for you to take my word about my feelings?

-1 points

My wife and I have her and my naked baby photos. We didn’t have to ask for copies, they just gave us the family photo albums. And when parents die, that often happens automatically. It kind of feels like you don’t know how any of this works.

And now you’re comparing showing someone a naked baby to marital rape? Really?

2 points

I didn’t say “baby photos” I said “if your wife tells you she is upset about something do you ask her for peer reviewed studies on how that something could possibly psychologically effect someone negatively, or do you just believe she is feeling how she says she is feeling?”


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