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27 points
  • $35 cap on Insulin
  • Student loan cancellations
  • Restoring net neutrality
  • Banning non-compete agreements
  • Pardoned people convicted for simple marijuana possession convictions
  • Funding important infrastructure projects
  • Banning abusive and junky bank fees
  • Going after landlords who are price fixing
  • Minimum 15% tax on corporations, who otherwise use every trick in the book to hide their profits in tax shelters overseas
  • Rejoined the Paris Accord
  • Antitrust actions against Amazon, Google, Apple, various airlines, book publishers, even meat packers
  • Blocking mergers that would reduce competition, like Krogers acquiring Albertsons
  • Reducing fees real estate agents collect for home sales
  • Requiring airlines to refund passengers for delayed or canceled flights
  • Automatically recognizing a union when a corporation interferes with a union vote
  • Massive climate wins in the Inflation Reduction act
  • Giving IRS funding so it can go after the rich tax cheats, instead of just the poor people who make small errors
  • Allowing Medicare to actually negotiate drug prices, instead of being forced to accept whatever the drug companies decide

And, this is despite a senate where Sinema and Manchin supposely give democrats a razor slim majority, but in reality they block almost everything. And, despite a congress that is currently republican controlled and block even the things their constituents want because they don’t want to let Biden have a win.

In what way (other than Gaza) is he not doing a good job?

4 points

He didn’t fix every problem ever and hasn’t accomplished world peace, therefore he’s just as bad as Trump!!

These anti Biden morons on lemmy are really getting tiresome.

4 points

Not to mention that MOST of the problems they are bitching at Biden for not fixing were caused by them in the first place and then they blocked Biden from any efforts to fix it.

They set the fire, slash the firetruck’s tires and then have the audacity to blame the firefighters for not putting it out.

I don’t love Biden, but damn, he is trying to do some good things and being blocked at every turn.

3 points

These anti Biden morons on lemmy are really getting tiresome.

This is what a winning attitude looks like :)

This is why centrists and liberals are so much more bigbrained and wise about political strategy than progressives, at the end of the day yall just know how to win elections. Scold people for not wanting to vote for your candidate, genius!

3 points

Then they’re going to blame us instead of taking responsibility when Trump wins. It’s honestly infuriating.

4 points

Student loans have not been canceled

Non-Competes are still in effect

We still have the world’s highest prison population.

Landlords are still price fixing and rent is still out of control

Amazon, Google and apple nor any other large companies have been broken up with antitrust

Despite giving the IRS funding, the rich are still not paying taxes

Allowing Medicare to negotiate was pretty great. I’ll give you that.

“In what way (other than Gaza) is he not doing a good job?”

I don’t know if you’ve been to America or met most Americans, but most of us are really struggling. There’s a housing crisis. Most people can’t afford to live on their own. There’s a ton of food insecurity. Education is abysmal. I mean the whole thing’s just fucked. This pretending things are really good right now and gaslighting Americans and trying to shame them into voting for Biden is part of the problem by the way.

2 points

And the reason for all of that is the GOP blocking or sabotaging every single effort to improve things, and then blaming the Dems, and it convinced a LOT of people.

4 points

That’s partially true. But some of the time it was just the Dems holding it up like manchin or Cinema. Also Biden’l has also not put things forward that he said he would. Like when he had the majority in the Senate in the house he did not try to pack the court. The negative things we’ve seen in the last 4 years are from the supreme Court that Biden never tried to pack despite claiming he would.

I hate the Republicans just as much as you do, maybe more honestly. All I’m saying is the Dems suck too. They’re basically trying to hand this election the Trump like they did in 2016.

0 points

Student loans have not been canceled

Some have.

Non-Competes are still in effect

Landlords are still price fixing and rent is still out of control

The problem is being worked on, the solution wasn’t instantaneous.

Amazon, Google and apple nor any other large companies have been broken up with antitrust

Not yet, these things take time. The final antitrust case against AT&T lasted 8 years, and it was only one of many. The antitrust case against IBM lasted almost 13 years.

Despite giving the IRS funding, the rich are still not paying taxes

Again, these things take time.

I don’t know if you’ve been to America or met most Americans, but most of us are really struggling.

So… something that has been happening since at least the Reagan years wasn’t turned around in 4, so Biden’s doing a bad job?

3 points

Most student loans have not been canceled claiming that student loans have been canceled. It’s just ingenuous and again it’s the whole fake Biden is killing it narrative. Be honest.

Non-Competes are still in effect that ruling does not go into effect until September at the earliest and it is subject to many Court challenges before it will probably not happen. Regardless, it has not happened yet.

You say the problem is being worked on in these things take time for multiple things. In other words, Biden has not done anything on these fronts. You cannot give Biden credit for something that he has not done lol.

This is what I mean. Biden is milk toast at best. He’s really just slowing our rate of decline more than he is actually doing a good job. The insistence that he is killing it or doing a good job when he is not and people are suffering is a bad strategy politically.

This giant list of things that turns out to be bs is the kind of thing making people more disillusioned. Stuff like this lowers voter turnout. Democrats lose when voter turnout is low. Do you see where this gets bad?

2 points

-Minimum wage


-Private equity


-Ease of voting

1 point

In what way (other than Gaza) is he not doing a good job?

Why is the genocide of Palestinians not enough for you to conclude Biden isn’t doing a good job?

5 points

Isn’t it crazy How many Dems are going to downplay genocide like it’s not a big deal?

-1 points


  1. That’s something Israel is doing, not something the US is doing. As usual, the US is helping / shielding Israel, and that’s a problem, but that’s not the same as being directly responsible for it.
  2. If Trump were in charge, it would only be worse. He’d be encouraging Israel to nuke Gaza.
3 points

That’s something Israel is doing, not something the US is doing. As usual, the US is helping / shielding Israel, and that’s a problem, but that’s not the same as being directly responsible for

Those are US jets dropping US made bombs with pilots who have likely EXTENSIVELY trained with US military pilots, literally the ENTIRE military apparatus of Israel is an extension of the U.S. military industrial complex and that isn’t an exaggeration. The IDF has trained extensively and has deep ties with US police departments, surveillance and military software and hardware technology ties run deep between US and Israeli companies that basically serve as the field testing arm of the rest of the bulk of the western/US military industrial complex.

It is bullshit Biden can’t do more, because not only is the above true (which really puts Israel in a position where at the end of the day the US calls the shots), Israel now more than ever is existentially reliant upon the US to provide them support materially and diplomatically for them to continue to perpetuate this genocide.

Stop wasting all of our time with lazy rhetorical delaying tactics like this, if Biden wanted to he could call up Netanyahu and end the genocide almost immediately, Biden would just have to not be a coward who actually kind of wants all these Palestinians to die anyways so shrugs.


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