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27 points

Eh, still better than the Tories. Supermajority begins the process of dragging the overton window back left, which I’m all for

29 points

Supermajority begins the process of dragging the overton window back left

Literally the opposite.

Normalising the current Labour party as anything even remotely left, which it isn’t in any way shape or form, shifts the window to the right by removing actual left from the map altogether. That’s the whole point of Starmer - to regain back ground for the right after what Corbyn awoke in the party and country.

We are getting a Tory whoever wins, they just wear different coloured ties.

2 points

I’m hoping that everyone to the left of Starmer makes their move post-election.

Coming at him hard and forming a new party out of purged leftists, greens and independents.

But without a labour victory today we’ll be voting against fascism next time. The Tories just did such a good job of failing and disgusting everyone capable of being so.

-2 points

That’s the same bullshit born out of wilful ignorance and cognitive dissonance that Biden supporters spew. It might make you feel better, but it has no basis in reality.

There is no voting fascism away. There is no reforming the system from within, since it’s working exactly as designed - by providing an illusion of choice to make you feel like you’ve had a say, when in reality your only available options all serve the establishment (which is why while a leftist party would be nice, it wouldn’t matter, because it would never be allowed to gain power since it would threaten said establishment).

Starmer isn’t here to save you or fix the country, he couldn’t care less and has made it clear over and over and over again, you just refuse to listen. He’s here solely to shift our politics to the right by eliminating any hint of opposition, never mind leftism, in preparation for an even more right leaning government to come.

Your blind loyalty isn’t serving you, it never will, despite how comforting it might feel.

1 point

Corbyn got absolutely fucked at the election. Running as an out-and-out leftist awoke fuck all in the general electorate.

The right were more than happy to get their foot in the door with Cameron, before dragging politics in this country further and further right. Why are we so unhappy to do the same?

Also, when on earth do you think the Tories were planning on setting up a nationalised energy company, renationalising rail?

2 points

Corbyn got absolutely fucked at the election.

Right, because he was obviously the one who launched the massive media smear campaign against himself, dubbing himself “unelectable” and the biggest antisemite in Britain, to ensure the wealthy are protected from the devastating thereat he posed to their avoided taxes… 😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Running as an out-and-out leftist awoke fuck all in the general electorate.

I guess hundreds of thousands of people joining the Labour party, more than ever in history (and definitely more than have ever joined the Tory party), and hundreds of thousands if not millions more becoming engaged in politics who had never before, is nothing. Or maybe it’s just that you’re being wilfully ignorant, or even more likely - deliberately misrepresenting reality… 🤔

Why are we so unhappy to do the same?

Because it’s not what’s fucking happening, Starmers foot in the door is categorically never going to move the oveton window left (his entire purpose in politics is to position Labour so far right that real leftists aren’t even in the window anymore), and you wanting to model the Labour party after what the Tories do (voting with no morals or integrity and against the interests of working and other marginalised people out of blind loyalty to the party, sound familiar?) proves just how far right them, and their voters, have shifted in said window (proving what he’s doing is working exactly to plan, and you’re falling for it).

He doesn’t represent me or any of my best interests, and never has any intention to even try to, why the fuck would I endorse him??

Also, when on earth do you think the Tories were planning on setting up a nationalised energy company, renationalising rail?

What makes you think New Labour is? 😂😂😂

(E: in reality, it’s one of the many “promises” they’ve already u-turned on, or more like lied about, before ever even getting near power)


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