After being helped several times with my various community issues by our kind site-runner, I would like to make a useful donation at this time. Oy, but there seems to be a problem:

Now, I use an add-on in Chrome called “uMatrix,” which is a script-blocker. This add-on forces me to hand-enable whatever necessary java-scripts there might be on sites, but it’s not perfect. Okay, fine, so in Ko-fi’s case, I wound up having to turn the tool completely OFF in order to get to the final payment-step, for anyone reading who had issues with such.

Now, to the final step:
My donation / pay options are evidently these: iDEAL, Bancontact, Przelewy24 and EPS.

New problem: I have utterly no idea what those are.
Is there a way then to donate via PayPal, perhaps?

EDIT: Sorry, I guess this should have gone in “Support.” Please do move as necessary.

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4 points

Hey Johnny!

I really appreciate your desire to help support this instance- seriously, it means a lot. Erring on the side of caution is reasonable and I don’t blame you.

I’ll be honest, I don’t have an immediate answer for privacy conscious payment methods for US users, but give me 2-3 days and I will find out what method works best for you. Again, it’s awesome you posted this so we can figure it out not just for you but for other privacy focused users based in the US.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

1 point

Thanks, Ella!

Yes I agree, some privacy payment info would probably help folks like me in future. I don’t have much experience (nor confidence) in this area and could frankly use a slight bit of hand-holding, haha.

1 point

I know there are some payment masking services like that will do what you’re looking for


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