Couldn’t find the megathread, sorry for the post

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It feels like a curse. Everyone I tell about being trans asks me questions about how I want to look and I feel stupid just being like, “I don’t know?”


If you’re enby, it’s harder cause there’s no “standard” enby look - not even androgyny. For trans femmes, we don’t get the usual 12 to 14 year old girl thing of experimenting with every look possible so it can feel overwhelming “how should I look?” Well, the only way is to do what makes you happy! Same for you, whatever your gender presentation means. Paint nails or don’t, change your hair or not, wear a dress or pants or shorts - whatever makes your heart sing! Wear a binder if you don’t want a chest or whatever or a packer or tuck, whatever makes you happy! The only way to know is to try stuff, maybe brows pinterest and tumblr for gender aesthetic and pick whatever piques your interest.




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