i can’t believe this exists

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Focus on the slime counterproposition then, instead of cherrypicking the weaker example like it’s all I said

That said, it’s hilarious how you readily concede that Rowling’s goblins are fucked up tropes but here when you see goblins that have a single-minded motivation to rape and murder, live in Caves with crude tools and loincloths, have dark skin, low intelligence, and no empathy for the light skinned population that they terrorize, you go “Tropes? Tropes? Nononono, no way”

Even when you get someone directly saying “these are tropes of people from my race” you dismiss that person as a “nerd” like that just solves the issue.


“these are tropes of people from my race”

What race?? What fucking real world race are any of those traits associated with? My god. They’re… green! Rowling’s goblins are literally a list of Jewish stereotypes. You’re like… “Tolkien’s gollum is racist caricature, he lives in a cave like a primitive and those are racial tropes” like :jesse-wtf:

Focus on the slime counterproposition then, instead of cherrypicking the weaker example like it’s all I said

I could and argue about how it’s weak as shit when the only difference is one is humanoid and the other can be humanoid. A slime can be portrayed as just as sapient, and Im sure there’d be nerds arguing with me then about how they’re a stand in for their ethnicity or something. Slime genocide is still genocide after all

1 point

What race?? What fucking real world race are any of those traits associated with?

Several! It’s literally the most common racial caricature of aboriginal people and Africans, hence my mentioning Birth of a Nation.

"Tolkien’s gollum is racist caricature, he lives in a cave like a primitive and those are racial tropes” like

Gollum is a) an individual, b) a creature transformed into a lower state by the ring, c) a member of a race that we see many examples of and d) doesn’t really conform to a racial stereotype anyway

The confluence of tropes I mentioned is, again, specifically the “savage” caricature whites used against Native Americans, Africans, and Australian aborigines, which involves many specific features other than living in Caves, features I listed and you feign ignorance of.

Slimes could be used in a racist way, but it would be exceedingly easy not to because they are capable of things that primate-likes aren’t, such as mitosis or a more credible way of being both mindless and complex through hive or colonial functioning since they literally don’t have brains. They can exist in the wild without being cavemen because they can form their bodies into tools, they can introduce many features that flat don’t apply to people such as seeping through the cracks of stone fortification, being acidic, etc

This really isn’t that hard if you try to think about it instead of shouting “nerd” over and over like it’s a chant to keep evil spirits at bay.


Several! It’s literally the most common racial caricature of aboriginal people and Africans, hence my mentioning Birth of a Nation.

the concept of a primitive society living in caves in a fantasy world is racist because if you squint you can make it look like nonsensical, false ideas about a disparate group of unconnected ethnicities

This is just like if you asked 4chan to design a character named “the evil jew” and made your goblins look like that

Literally mad that they use stone tools just lmao my god




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