Unless “piracy” is your alternative to buying a brand new copy at launch, I don’t wanna hear it.
If GameStop can make bank re-selling used games without giving back a cent to the developer, how is doing the same for free, without taking up competitive retail space any worse?
So was the install I made a copy of and gave to a friend. Either way the publisher makes the same amount.
Sure there might be a limited number of used copies, but when you’re talking about a mass manufactured product with limited demand like a random used game, then yeah, might as well be unlimited. How many used copies of GTA V or Skyrim out there do you think there are? Answer: far more than there are people looking to buy them, and each one of those copies can be sold an infinite amount of times.
The only games that are so rare that this matters are either so expensive or so hard to come by that everyone is okay with pirating them anyways because there’s no reasonable way to obtain them, and they’re all usually out of print any who.
it’s okay to pirate rare games because there are so few of them
it’s okay to pirate common games because there are so many of them
Look, I’m all for piracy and against copyright, but you can simply admit you like free stuff without finding twisted explanations to justify it.