Yeah but that would raise my commute to two hours daily. And an hour of that would be biking home after midnight in a town where I’m very likely to get shot, stabbed, and mugged. Probably at the same time.
Not to mention my bike getting stolen and the fact that I’d likely get stopped by the police here every night due to dark skin
you get used to it very quickly and stop sweating, unless you purposely go high intensity
I’ve been biking 5-8 miles per day for fun and there’s no choosing not to get sweaty if you dare to live somewhere with hills
Distances are far in places designed for cars. My city was made at the height of car based design so it takes an hour and a half to cycle from where I live to where I work, and that’s typical. We do have transit though, which is especially pointed at moving people from residential areas to work places and back
Bike theft is such a problem where I live I’ve been very hesitant to get another one. If they can’t get the whole bike, they’ll wrench off tires/seats, etc. My town might be an outlier, but I wonder how other people deal with this kind of thing when their bike is their primary form of transport.