Every day NMS has to update. Is this because I run it on Linux or is it just how NMS is? Today it was a 4,6 GB update
For me, the Vulcan shader pre-caching is different. It is a pop up with a percentage indicator. This is a regular steam update like it used to be on windows.
It is not an update, it is the shader pre-caching. The popup you are referring to is the shader being loaded when you start the game.
Edit: if you haven’t played in a couple days there was a patch this past…Tuesday? If I remember correctly. That would explain it being larger than normal.
If you go to the actual download page, there should be a little “i” in a circle that if you mouse over will tell you what the download is; shader pre-cache, patch, etc. It’s not always there though.
I get those popups too at times, but they are not what I am referring to. The shader pre-chaching updates I mentioned work in the same way you described your phenomenon, through the regular update menu.
Interesting. I get the vulcan shader render popups every single time, on all games. But only NMS will dowonload updates like this through steam