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6 points

I’m one of the mods there. We generally try to stay neutral unless someone posts blatant disinformation, or is not acting kind and is starting combative comment threads. You’ve done the latter a lot.

Moreover, our bias is to let the reports and downvotes guide us. The people in c/videos have been complaining to us about your behavior for quite a while now, and they‘ve not been appreciating the content and comments you’ve been contributing.

We’re a community of people. If you can’t participate constructively in that community, please find another community or create your own community. Lemmy is a federated system - you have options.

-8 points

What an elaborate way to write ‘we’re trying to create a blue maga echo chamber no dissent allowed no matter how civil’.

7 points

Linkerbaan, you can’t force people to listen to your opinions. And you don’t have a right for your views to be platformed in every community either. Im quite sympathetic to your stated cause, as are many other mods, which is probably the only reason your LW account hasn’t been permanently banned tbh. But if you don’t bring anything to a community except a bad attitude and a well known reputation for trolling, name calling and bad faith accusations, then wtf do you expect to happen?

-4 points

If calling out Genocide is crossing a red line for you I have bad news about your civility. I very rarely insult people unlike the Blue MAGA lemmyworlders. If I did they wouldn’t have to make up lies about me defending the usage of child soldiers.

The projection from you liberals is top tier. Bad faith Genocide deniers calling others bad faith.


Ye Power Trippin' Bastards


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This is a community in the spirit of “Am I The Asshole” where people can post their own bans from lemmy or reddit or whatever and get some feedback from others whether the ban was justified or not.

Sometimes one just wants to be able to challenge the arguments some mod made and this could be the place for that.


  • Post only about bans or other sanctions from mod(s).
  • Provide the cause of the sanction (e.g. the text of the comment).
  • Provide the reason given by the mods for the sanction.
  • Don’t use private communications to prove your point. We can’t verify them and they can be faked easily.
  • Don’t deobfuscate mod names from the modlog with admin powers.
  • Don’t harass mods or brigade comms. Don’t word your posts in a way that would trigger such harassment and brigades.
  • Do not downvote posts if you think they deserved it. Use the comment votes (see below) for that.

Expect to receive feedback about your posts, they might even be negative.

Make sure you follow this instance’s code of conduct. In other words we won’t allow bellyaching about being sanctioned for hate speech or bigotry.

Some acronyms you might see.

  • PTB - Power-Tripping Bastard: The commenter agrees with you this was a PTB mod.
  • YDI - You Deserved It: The commenter thinks you deserved that mod action.
  • BPR - Bait-Provoked Reaction: That mod probably overreacted in charged situation, or due to being baited.
  • CLM - Clueless mod: The mod probably just doesn’t understand how their software works.

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