Making up arguments to justify their BS.

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5 points

So you do denounce the IDF for using human shields? It’s unclear when you seem to only focus on the portion of the blame that lies with Hamas

-10 points

It is not unclear. It requires a basic understanding of words which you seem to finally have figured out.

Jeopardizing civilian lives, either by placing booby-traps or using them as shields are both warcrimes.

My stance has always been that all the violence is BS. I just hate that blatantly gives Hamas a pass.

4 points

Say “I denounce the IDF for using human shields”

-1 points

Because unless it is stated explicitly it wasn’t actually meant? So you understand how the ban was wrong then as I didn’t explicitly say “the IDF are right to use palestinian shields” right? Thank you for agreeing with me.

2 points

He’s not going to do that, because he does not actually believe that. He’s talking about people “giving Hamas a pass” to cover up his real views on the matter, which is that he is aligned with Israel despite the fact they are committing a genocide.

6 points

A metaphor.

You in this thread:

both sides are committing war crimes but in only complaining about one, how don’t you get that I’m mad at both of them!

You in that thread:

Yeah guys! I’m just saying ALL LIVES MATTER so why are all these BLM people mad?

I’m just saying why are black people getting a pass?

You, unironically.

It’s a poor metaphor because the genocide being committed intentionally is worse

4 points

It is not unclear. It requires a basic understanding of words which you seem to finally have figured out.

If it only required a “basic” understanding why would so many people have been making the same point to you?

If a headline says “x group did a crime” and someone responds “y group are criminals” it is not at all obvious what this person’s stance on x group is. If anything this reads like a deflection onto y group, so someone might infer that the responder supports x group or at least is more concerned about y group.

If the person says “yes, x group did do a crime but let’s not forget y group are criminals too” then it is super clear what this person means. If you omit a response to the actual topic at hand you have no place getting mad when people assume you don’t care about that.


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