Does anyone else fear the economic impact that student loans are going to have once they are resumed? I am really not looking forward to another recession.
We are in a recession though, have you seen what the working class is going through for the past three years?
No we’re not, and we haven’t been. The media and CEOs have been fearmongering about “a recession” for years now and it’s never been close to happening.
Unemployment is near record lows. Wages are rising.
What’s been killing the working class recently has been inflation, and nothing else. Which sucks, but is getting better.
Hot Take: I’m looking forward to it for one reason only: Maybe social networks will be fun and bearable again without the constant bombardment of political “ideas.” Maybe all those people who haven’t been working will go back to work and stop ruining the internet.
all those people who haven’t been working
You realize unemployment in the US is near pre pandemic levels and as low as its been since the 60s?
Unemployment numbers are always disingenuous because they only count people who are looking for employment. People who leave the voluntarily leave the workforce aren’t included.