It has nothing to do with free speech or rational expression of oneself
Being rational is not a requirement for free speech. There are clear rules about what is considered free speech. Burning books might be tasteless, but it should not be illegal, regardless of which book it is.
Why can´t people just show at least a little respect for other cultures?!
Respect needs to be mutual. These people who are offended by some burned books will happily disrespect other cultures or beliefs.
Being rational is not a requirement for free speech
I never said it was …
There are clear rules about what is considered free speech. Burning books might be tasteless, but it should not be illegal, regardless of which book it is.
Burning things is not free speech though. In this case it is clearly incitement to hate and violence and nothing else
Respect needs to be mutual.
These people who are offended by some burned books will happily disrespect other cultures or beliefs
Do I understand correctly that your proposal is that we should adopt that intolerant behavior instead of giving a better example?
Keine Toleranz den Intoleranten. Man erreicht damit nen Scheißdreck. Sieht man ja in Deutschland mit der AfD. Dieser dumme Naziverein wurde die ganze Zeit toleriert und jetzt haben wir NSDAP2.0 vor der Tür.
Sorry for German. What I said is, no tolerance for the intolerant. This is a statement us Germans usually use in conjunction with nazis but I also have no tolerance for backward ass religions.
Also schützt uns nur das regelmäßige öffentliche verbrennen des Koran vor dem Kalifat Deutschland oder was willst du mit deinem Kommentar sagen?