12 points
pretty sure goth died to EDM in the 90’s. it was a weird transition, too. from somber to dark rave, and it happened really fast. probably in large part due to the matrix movies and hot topic.
7 points
2 points
Reznor does make movie soundtracks and instrumental albums (Ghosts I-VI) but he still also makes “typical” Nine Inch Nails music. Here’s some examples from 2016-2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JSSCKFgRFM
2 points
Sure, goth music is pretty varied now. If you look at the bands that play at Wave Gotik Treffen you’ll see a lot of variation: https://www.wave-gotik-treffen.de/english/past.php That just means it’s a vibrant scene, there are still traditional goth bands though.
2 points