I love when people claim to not trust the science of vaccines. Vaccines created using the same scientific method that allowed the invention of the smart phones they’re typing from. The same science that allows for all modern medicine, energy production, manuacturing, etc.
most cookers don’t understand what the scientific method is. my brother thinks it’s like some list of formulas scientists use to see if something is true or not, not the entire actual process around theory/observation/evidence/peer review. they thibk “science” indoctrinates people to think a certain way and that scientists somehow are told to ignore everything not in a textbook. no explaining how wrong this is in over 3 years has helped
I mean, the scientific method produces mistakes - it’s just that the scientific method is also intended to fix those mistakes over time. Being critical of research is helpful for the correct functioning of the scientific method, but this has nothing to do with conspiracy theorists who will question the overwhelmingly corroborated general principles that determine the functioning of AC or light bulbs.