It’s pretty straightforward math. A landlord’s income is necessarily the cost of maintenance of a property plus some extra as profit. Otherwise they’re losing money and therefore wouldn’t be a landlord. But since their income is the rent you pay, you are therefore paying for everything plus their own cost of living.
Correct. I’m paying him to take care of everything so I don’t have to do it. Lawn. Plumbing. Damages. That’s all one person for me. I’m paying that one person to take care of all of those things so I don’t have to. And the price never changes.
See what I mean?
Lawn. Plumbing. Damages. That’s all one person for me. I’m paying that one person to take care of all of those things so I don’t have to.
No, you’re paying that person to then pay other people to take care of those things. If you tell me your landlord handles the lawn, plumbing, all repairs, etc, I’ll just call you a liar.