Given the name of the leader of this community, I figured I’d throw this out there:
I’ve never read any of Jim Butcher’s books, and have heard good things about The Dresden Files.
Where do I start? Is there a good website to show a suggested reading order, etc?
Storm Front. It’s the weakest book, cause nothing is fleshed out, but it is the start.
That said, I had to quit reading (after 15 books) cause he keeps getting progressively weirder about women.
It’s an in-character perspective of Dresden, meant to be a character quirk. Jim writes short stories from other perspectives without the same issues, and none of his other series have it either. Unfortunately many readers confuse character perspective with author opinion.
In this case OC just said “he” and could be talking about Harry. Some people also just don’t wanna read that kind of perspective.
It’s also strange that like… every single woman in the series (including a teenager) want to sleep with Harry. There’s nothing wrong with somebody not enjoying reading things like that. Whether the author thinks that way or it’s just a character trait of the main character in the series, a lot of people just don’t want to read constant misogyny.
I’ve read all of them. I’ve read other novels with character perspectives about women even worse than the dresden files. However, there are some times where I had to put the book down because it felt… gross. Like unreasonable wish fulfillment that adds nothing to the story.
I think its the fact that it’s the only area in which the reader is supposed to believe that Harry might not be the most reliable narrator? And other characters are kind of guilty of it too.
Again, I’ve read all of them. I probably will continue to read the series as my library gets them available. I like the magic system. I like the world building and the rules. I just find some of Harry’s perspective icky.
I’ve heard that argument before, and fine, I guess, but I have 0 interest in reading a story from the perspective of a pedo.
His apprentice is described cringe worthily before she comes of ages and not much better later.
Holy shit. He gets weirder? He’s such a neckbeard in the first few that I stopped at like book 4. Maybe 3. I don’t even remember. To be worse, he must start complementing their feet in public or some shit.
Weird how? Some of it feels a little fedora-tippy, but I haven’t read it for a while so I don’t remember any specifics.