I don’t feel attacked just confused
Drivers are included in the Kernel on linux.
Windows on the other hand… let’s just say it can’t handle printers very well
Nah, my HP P2035 is working great for 7 years straight. I just plug the USB into any Linux or Windows PC, or even through a dongle into my Android phone, I press “Print”, and the thing just prints!
From what I’ve heard, it seems most laser printers are awesome. And get yourself a Brother, is what people say on the Internet.
I’ve just been using Windows for work stuff now and then for over two decades now - so I just have the install scripted so I can just deploy it from scratch whenever I need it, and throw it away afterwards. Before we had multicore CPUs making emulation not annoying I had a sun workstation with a SunPCI card for that.
The one constant over all windows versions is it running into some driver issues for stupid reasons. Now with 11 its the signed drivers - and while you can do exceptions for development I never got unsigned graphics drivers to work.
Also, Windows on ARM is horrible - something as simple as a usb serial adapter doesn’t work because there just are no ARM drivers.