It seems like they believe they can be a gardener vs a farmer. That’s the only bit that I see that isn’t realistic.
In all likelihood they would be neither. With modern technology, we don’t need a large percent of the population farming. I realize communists typically eliminate the intellectuals and kulaks—those who would actually have useful knowledge—first, but the smart things would be to have the current farmers keep farming. You’d likely be assigned to a factory to manufacture widgets for the rest of your days.
I wonder if there’s a term for how the far right and the far left tend to be similar…
Assuming technology didn’t take a dive bomb that would be automated fairly quickly as well, look at how much robotics already does in manufacturing.
Most people would be reassigned as IT and programmers, robotics technicians, etc. If it was actually done properly.
There’s already like 10 times as many programmers and whatnot then there need to be. Look at how many duplicates apps there are for everything.
More likely they would be booted out as well
Do they eliminate intellectuals? The USSR and China seem to have avoided this. I don’t believe most nations did this other than Cambodia and I will never see that shitshow as socialist.
In the USSR it was kind of mixed. If you were at all associated with the old regime you were fucked but tbh a lot of them weren’t super sympathetic anyway.
In China, lol. They fucking murdered everyone who knew anything and then suffered horribly for it. Of course, even then they might have been somewhat okay except Mao thought he knew better so they got the Great Leap Forward and stuff like the Four Pests campaign.
Do they eliminate intellectuals? The USSR and China seem to have avoided this.
You are fucking kidding, right?