Outdated engine, non existend optimization, mediocre writing, lacking ship travel, dead looking NPCs, general Bethesda bugginess, lack of DLSS support
The engine is what allows the game to have a thriving modding community already.
Imagine relying on free labor to fix your broken ass game, and then having people defend you when called out for making a boring game that relies on free labor for content.
Imagine thinking that what is very probably the most hand-crafted content ever in a 3D game, with one of the broadest variety of choices for anything close to that scale, is a game lacking content.
Imagine having that little understanding of how and why people enjoy modding their games.
- I’m not sure why I should care whether the engine is outdated or not
- I keep hearing this but it runs fine on my mid tier rig
- Writing quality is subjective. It’s good enough for me so far
- These feel like a Bethesda calling card at this point, they have a quirky charm to me
- This is EASILY the least buggy Bethesda game I can recall
- Why should this bother me? It’s running fine for me without it.
None of those add up to “shit game”, in my mind.