It is! That’s what the w in www stands for.
Also a totally real fact: putting the “s” at the end of https:// is what makes it secure and it works on other things as well. Eating a brownie is unsecure and dangerous, but brownies has better security and should be consumed frequently.
Here’s some more examples of other everyday items that you can easily secure:
- Oreo❎ Oreos☑️
- Sock❎ Socks☑️
- Fart❎ Farts☑️
- Douche Canoe❎ Douche Canoes☑️
Items that can’t be secured without modification:
- Potato❎ Potatoes☑️❔
- Hamburger Patty❎ Hamburger Patties☑️❔
- Fish❎ Fishes☑️❔
- Serial Killer With a Knife❎ Serial Killer With Some Knives☑️❔
Please note that for every rule, there is an exception. Take Deer for example. Deer can’t be secured. Fuck Deer, the lazy unencrypted bastards…