To be fair, they probably inherited the place and got to be the lucky person it closed down under, which probably doesn’t feel great.
At least, it’d raise some eyebrows if its had the same owner since 1883.
I ran a DnD campaign where an important shop was under the same owner for over 1000 years, a friendly copper dragon shapeshifted into a halfling, who discovered trading with adventurers was the best way to amass a hoard, they would go all over the world finding interesting things that they have no idea of the true value of, could you believe they’d trade this neat spider statuette that may or may not be mildly cursed for a boring old ring of protection because it “has no practical use” and it “makes them dream of the whisperings of elder gods”?
Inherit a business that been successful for over a hundred years, and be the one to fuck it up so badly they have to close it down? Maybe they should feel bad.
I have no sympathy for anyone inheriting entire businesses.
something something no wrong moves and still lose
There’s a reason that, were it ever to happen, I’d stop at SVP level and not jump to C level.
So that you can get paid less and still have to shoulder all the blame?
C levels don’t have to take responsibility except when it makes them look good.