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-134 points

Perhaps it was a bad idea to host a music festival in occupied territory?

Getting Crimea Beach Vacation vibes.

98 points
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14 points

I mean it is essentially murdering people partying on people’s graves - not proportional but I can’t imagine people didnt know it was a provocation.

Its tragic but I think unless people start calling the Israeli government’s decades of murders and evictions “terrorism” it seems like the press is very much deciding how people should see “Hamas as the sole villain” and I think there’s a certain amount of justified pushback here thats being misinterpreted as “support for Hamas”

27 points

IMO from this outlook the entire planet is covered in graves and we all are bad for living our life.


Hamas being equated with the entirety of the Palestinian people and diaspora is what pisses me off the most. Israel tries to equate them all together so it can commit genocide without any eye-batting.

-25 points

State sponsor of terrorism victimized by terrorist attack.

Yes it’s horrible, but partying on stolen land is reckless.

-25 points

Can you lot stop throwing out the word war crime to try and make things sound worse and get an emotional response.

Killing civilians is not actually a war crime by itself.

Israel does not recognise Palestine as a country or Hamas as a government, so they cannot be legally at war therefore it can’t be a war crime.

Also as far as I’m aware Palestine is not a signatory to any convention on war crimes anyway.

8 points
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If we put the perpetuators in charge of defining, what constitutes as a crime and what doesn’t, there would be no crime anywhere and never.

If a nations military or other organized fighters are conducting operations the terms and rules for war crimes should apply and the perpetuators and organizers should be held responsible. That goes for Hamas fighters and leaders as well as IDF soldiers and leaders.

63 points

Urim has been Israeli since the country came into existence, so I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. Unless your position is that all of Israel is occupied territory, in which case I invite you to take a look at what Palestinians did the moment they gained power over Jewish civilians and imagine that scene repeated across Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

24 points

Urim has been Israeli since the country came into existence.

There’s so much propaganda from both sides that I don’t know what to believe about who, but Israel has only been a country since 1948 - that’s after the invention of the Jeep, microwave ovens, Frisbees, jet aircraft, etc.

I’m not aware of the agreement made with Palestine for the land, but I’ve seen enough videos of Israelis near the border, both citizens and uniformed men, throwing Palestinians out of their houses so Israelis could live there. Not to mention the violent acts.

25 points

I’m not aware of the agreement made with Palestine for the land

That’s because it was owned by the British. Before them the Ottomans, Romans, and Israelites.

15 points

If you want to lawyer around about historical shit, you can, and I can’t stop you. But any decent human being with a fucking soul doesn’t care for your pedantic bullshit when there’s hundreds of innocent people dead on the ground.

4 points

1948 is a tricky amount of time.

It’s recent enough that the Palestinians still see the Israelis as recent occupiers, but far enough in the past that the Israelis have had several generations grow up there and see it as their home.

So the Israelis don’t see themselves as occupiers while the Palestinians do.

A 1-state solution is impractical at this point, but a 2-state solution leaves them as bitter enemies with a shared border neither side agrees on.

It’s a hopelessly fucked situation created by people who have been dead for decades, and I don’t think anyone knows a clean way out of it.

The only solutions are for them to share the space, which is pretty much impossible given the hatred, for them to divide the space, which will keep them at way with each other, or to let one side or the other have it all and end up with millions displaced or killed.

But regardless of who is right and wrong and who should be allowed to live there and who shouldn’t, I think we can all agree that murdering innocent civilians is wrong whether Israel is doing it or Hamas.

When Israel commits atrocities, they should be called out. When Hamas commits atrocities they should as well.

All of this brings to question whether or not the West should support Israel as one side. And that’s a hard question to answer. The West created this situation, and really shouldn’t just wash its hands of all responsibility.

As bad as Israel has been, the West can’t really walk away because they would be genocided. It’s been seen time and again that Iran, Hamas, Israel, Jordan, and others are perfectly happy to wipe them out.

I personally think that instead of supplying Israel with weapons the West should have boots on the ground as peacekeeping forces. They should protect Israel AND Palestine from attacks. By supplying Israel, the West is complicit in their attacks on Palestinians and in the establishment of illegal settlements.

17 points

I think they’re saying that because it’s colonized territory and the native population was removed its occupied. So yeah basically arguing against the entire Jewish state. Not my argument just what that is sounding like.

5 points

The festival was for peace. I bet many of the folks that were shot there supported Palestinians.

1 point
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-3 points

If you were a Palestinian living under occupation, how would you feel about bunch of Israeli’s having a party on the other side of a fence to keep your out of your own homeland?

Colonial oppressors throwing a party on stolen land doesn’t strike me as very peaceful.


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