Backyard Baseball 2001
is immediately crashing in Wine on a black screen:
This is on a dedicated 32-bit prefix with DirectPlay only installed via winetricks. The prefix is set to claim to be Windows 98. The exact same disc is confirmed to work if mounted in 86box (running Windows 2000)
Just before the crash, a printer error is thrown. The printer works fine in Linux, but such an error shouldn’t crash the game like this. And also, printing is not an integral part of the game (you can print an image of your team, but its optional.)
The game appears as Platinum rated on Wine AppDB:
I will add here. Apparently, I have fixed it by finding a workaround. Shutting down cups with sudo service stop cups
has made the game run.
Reading the logs, im curious what happens if you unplug the MG2900LAN printer? It seems to me as well to cause the crash.