Have any queer vibes to share? Here’s your place!

Talk about what’s happening queerly in your life - like coming out, getting HRT, questioning, and all that good stuff.

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10 points

God learning to start makeup is intimidating, I know I’m going to look like shit and feel dysphoric the first couple of times I end up doing it which dissuades me from even wanting to start. Same issue with voice training, hearing my shitty voice is going to make things so much worse. Getting started is the hardest part though and I need to just power through it.

5 points

Makeup felt like fucking rocket science at first, but it’s actually not hard to get good results if you practice a little. It’s just the outstanding and jawdropping stuff that requires lots of skill and time in the bathroom. A bit of color correction and foundation to make my skin look smoother (and hide the remainder of my facial hair) and some eyeshadow and mascara to bring out my eyes is all i do most of the time and it’s easy, quick and works wonders. Could i do even more if i practiced super hard, spent a ton of money on cosmetics and would be in the bathroom for an extra hour each day? Hell yes, but i don’t have the nerve for that lol.

7 points

Cis women get to go through their bad makeup phase when they’re like 12. We gotta do it older.

When I started learning makeup, I’d do it literally every morning. When I started it took me 30 minutes and crying in the mirror, wiping it off and doing it again. But eventually like after a few months I could do it in under 10. Now I can put on liquid eyeliner in the car in 5 minutes no problemo, no Wipes needed. It just takes time.

Also I swear it gets fun eventually. Makeup actually is fun. The first hurdles suck but you can get through it, you’ve done harder shit


Mood. Someone I know is going to do makeup on me tomorrow! And then teach me some things too :) Maybe you can find someone to help you with it?


with voice training especially it’s so easy to put off because of how dysphoria inducing it is, but it’s always better to start sooner than later. it’s quite stressful being in a place where voice is the thing that outs you if you don’t want it to

fwiw i did voice practice 30 min to an hour a day and after a few months had the voice I needed. places like r/transvoice helped a lot


Yeah, starting sooner is better. I really should have started like a year ago when I started HRT but that ship has sailed. I’ll check out /r/transvoice though, thank you.




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