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I’ve been struggling with whether to get an orchi. I hate having the damn things and used to think that I’d probably be okay with having the other thing, but recently I began tucking on occasion and I feel so much more confident and just generally more at peace with my body when I have a good tuck going. So now I’m worried I might be unsatisfied in the long run so I’m questioning whether I want an orchi or vaginoplasty :/

9 points

Yeah I feel that. If I met a vagina fairy I’d get that shit done in an instant, but surgery is scary. An orchi is very much a compromise for me, and knowing how quick and smoothly my friends recovered helps a lot.


So now I’m worried I might be unsatisfied in the long run so I’m questioning whether I want an orchi or vaginoplasty

Wait, is that like an either or thing? Does getting an orchi interfere with vaginoplasty?

6 points

I’ve heard that scrotal tissue shrinking can be an issue re: having enough material to work with, but I haven’t actually researched this stuff since the 2000s so techniques may have improved.


I’ve heard the same which is why I’m having the second thoughts about getting an orchi. I should probably look into it more though. If it’s not an issue then I’m yeeting the balls asap lol


Fuck, I was really sure I wanted an orchi but now I’m not so sure. I mean I want to get rid of my balls 100% no questions asked, but I’m still not sold on SRS. I kind of want it but I don’t know.

5 points

From my friends who’ve had orchis, the shrinkage issue is a bit overblown - its there for sure but there’s still tissue to work with. They said you could keep stretching it if you’d like as well.

Saying that, I’m skipping orchi for the same reason lol




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