Thousands of purveyors of neo-Nazi tunes just had their day ruined by a crew of enterprising Scandinavian anti-fascists.
Weird. Lots of purchasers in Japan. All have Japanese-looking names, but who knows if some of those are real.
Some Asian countries also have a weird thing for Hitler.
Japan is conservative in the sense that anyone that isn’t Japanese can go get fucked. How many Japanese neo-nazis are also multilingual to understand the lyrics? This seems less like nazis in Japan and just people who found music they didn’t hate.
I understand that Japan’s youth displays a lot of Hitler and Nazi stuff. Not that they’re Nazis or haters, they just think it’s funny or something? Kinda like clueless American kids sporting Che Guevera shirts and posters?
Not really, it’s also seen as a weird thing done by loners to them. One of the most famous animes in recent times, Overlord, features a WW2-based german character with manerisms and speech reminiscent of a SS officer. Every time they’re on screen, the main character nearly dies of embarassment.
Ah! Maybe not Japan then. I was thinking of this link posted below: