Smell is a powerful sense most of us don’t really understand logically. For example; We pick up clues as to a mate’s compatibility through kissing, tells us how compatible we are in order to have children with strong immune systems.
And yes, have you ever noticed how hyper-sensitive we are to age? We can dial in someone’s age at a glance, gender too! Watch people in traffic, just a peek, see how well you do. But we can fail, and we do, all the time.
Here’s a freaky fact I’ve seen born out over and over. Young women are terrible at guessing an older man’s age, usually aiming lower. Older men fail in the opposite direction, thinking a young woman is older. And that’s how we tend to like it! Older men want younger women and vice versa.
tl;dr: You all primates, get over yourselves.
GOOD! Let assholes put a literal target on their chest. I’m fine with this. Fuck me, I should start selling Nazi merchandise so I can track them.
The Jew hate originally stemmed from the fact that they could loan money and charge interest, which Christians found to be a sin (usury). Well, somebody has to handle banking or the economy crashes. Made them perfect scapegoats.
“I must be suffering because the Jews stole my money!”
Then it gets worse. Jews had strict rules about cleanliness, you can find many of them in the Bible. Guess who did and didn’t get hit with plague rats. Guess who got the blame.
Stop 👏 Buying 👏 New 👏 Shit 👏
I could run a whole community on how to recycle, reuse, repurpose. Why the hell are people buying new cars?!
Of course! Here’s a helpful pic.