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I don’t think y’all inside liberal spaces like lemmy and reddit are honestly aware of how politically ignorant most Americans are.

“How could they NOT know?! Head all up in Fox News and nothing else?!”

Couple of anecdotes, so take them as you will.

  • My wife is Filipina, been here 3-years. She didn’t think Trump was such a bad guy. All she knew was what her ex-husband told her.

  • We were at the Mexican restaurant the other day and the server saw a pic of Trump on my phone while I read CNN, wanted to engage me in a conversation about who I was voting for and clearly favored Trump. The man barely speaks English.

  • A year after Trump came into office my sister (62-yo at the time) only had a vague notion that he wasn’t a nice guy, not really on the up and up, but maybe the hate was just politics? If my sister got a robocall saying Biden ate a puppy, she would run right out and vote Trump.

Yes, these people are ignorant. But they’re not reading like you and I. We’re interested, engaged, or we wouldn’t be here, and you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t.

Not even going to get into how the GOP is flooding the media and internet to make all this sound like white noise, “politics”. But these Trump voters are not all rabid lunatics. And don’t dare come in a space like this and say, “They actually have a point on this particular thing…” or “They’re wrong, but they believe this way because…” You will get shouted down and shut out.

If the Democrats don’t fight fire with fire, we’re fucked. No more “high road” bullshit. The GOP’s propaganda machine is winning, and no amount of gotchas or exposal of hypocrisy matters. We can no longer play fair, aspire to logic and reasoning. We have to fight dirty and WIN.


Carter is the only reason I own my home. Habitat for Humanity.

It’s not what many think, a free house for poor people, but I’d strongly suggest anyone interested call their local program. Just ask. If it sounds OK, go to the first meeting to learn about it. Just make the call, it’s free and takes minutes. Changed my life forever.

It’s the only charity I give money to or volunteer for.


OK. We’ll start using single-use plastic.


Govenor DeSantis’ lawyer clearly defined “woke”.

"The governor’s general counsel, Ryan Newman, said, in general, it means “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”

There ya go.


Wasn’t shocked until I saw the map. Holy shit! How was that roof/building outside the hard security zone?!

I am, at best, a mediocre shot and I’m no tactician nor a physical security expert. So I’d be looking at the area with a prejudice towards my own abilities. That shot would be tough for me, but doable even with irons.

The Secret Service has much to answer for.

187 points

The do start as circles! Bees spin on their butt laying the honeycomb. Mechanical pressure mashes them into hexagons.

203 points

Perpetual victim. Seen it. I call it Pretty Girl Syndrome.

“Everyone treats me like gold because I’m beautiful!”

And then she’s shocked when anyone tells her to get bent.


Rage bait title, you ALL ate it up:

Ron Shaich, Panera Bread’s founder and former longtime CEO, has stressed how important it is for management and members of the C-suite to empathize with their employees and better understand what can get their buy-in to the company’s mission.

“No employee ever wakes up and says, ‘I’m so excited. I made another penny a share today for Panera’s shareholders,’” Shaich told Business Insider in an interview. “Nobody cares. You don’t care whether your CEO comes or goes.”


Old guy here with some dad advice. Given that you’re concerned, I assume you don’t dress like this on the regular.

Wear it around, a lot, beforehand. Get comfortable so you act comfortable. Interviews can be nerve wracking enough without fidgeting because you aren’t used to the clothes you’re wearing.
